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Things To Do During Quarantine/Isolation

We're living through a historical moment in time. We've all wanted to live through such a time, but this is not how we imagined it. We wanted something like flying cars...not an outbreak of a disease. Now we are stuck in our homes with nothing to do.

But there is hope! I've put together a list of things that I do to help keep healthy and entertained. Check it out:

1. Download the app "Habitica" and organize your day. "Habitica" is an app that lets you create habits, tasks, and to do lists. However, instead of just an ordinary app, it lets you "Gamify" your tasks! You get virtual rewards for completing tasks and it helps lighten the mood when things are seeming a little down.

2. Learn or practice a foreign language using "Duolingo." I personally love Duolingo and I use it to help strengthen my Spanish vocabulary! It's easy to use and it makes learning a new language fun.

3. Take a walk. Getting outside is so good for you in so many ways. We need sunlight! It will help keep you uplifted and healthy!

4. Make and abide by a workout schedule. If you're anything like me, you have been wanting to work out but "never got around to doing it." Now that we are all in isolation, we have no excuse but to kick it in gear and lose some weight! I start with situps, pushups/planks, and a one-mile walk. And don't forget to stretch!

5. Have a movie marathon! I've always wanted to watch "The Hobbit" and "Star Wars." Now I have plenty of time to do it!

6. Look for some potential new job opportunities for after the outbreak. There's no time like the present to get ahead of the game! I'm personally looking at nearby pet stores because who doesn't love animals?

7. Take a drive. Driving is a big stress-reliever for me. With gas as cheap as it is now, it wouldn't hurt to take a short country-road drive every now and then.

8. CLEAN. Clean like your grandma is coming over to visit and you don't want to disappoint her! Make your house/room SPOTLESS.

9. Play with your animals! I have two pet rats and they make for great quarantine companions!

10. Video call your friends! They need you just as much as you need them, and a video call is the best way to interact with your sibling from another mother.

Have any other ideas? Let us know in the comments!

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